Stats powered by PsychoStats
Server Name: VarnaLab Half-Life
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Players: 0/0
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Last Update: 22/10/24 10:00am
Server Stats Cheaters Player Ranks Clan Ranks Weapon Ranks Award Ranks Map Stats F.A.Q.

Achievement Award Bonus
Total Top
Top Player
Most Kills - - 1088 243 Voltaren
Most Deaths - - 1088 196 Rock 44
First To Kill - - 25 6 Voltaren
First To Die - - 25 5 Voltaren
Highest K:D Ratio 10 top - 1.25 Voltaren
Longest Kill Streak 10 top - 14 Rock 44
Longest Death Streak -10 top - 19 Voltaren
Fastest Kills per Minute - - - 1.75 Voltaren
Most Suicides -3 all 118 20 Voltaren
Longest Game Session - - - 1h5m SIVASINS
Most Time Online - - - 2h27m Rock 44
Most Talkative - - 157 75 Rock 44
Bonus type all means all players receive the bonus everytime they achieve it.
Bonus type top means only the TOP ranking player receives the bonus.
Not all awards are given bonuses.

Last updated on 22/10/24 10:00am
959 log files (4.16 MB) scanned in 5 seconds
Stats older than 14 days are ignored
© PsychoStats v1.9.1 was written by Stormtrooper and fixed by radev