Stats powered by PsychoStats
Server Name: VarnaLab Half-Life
Server IP:
Players: 0/0
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Last Update: 27/07/24 10:40am
Server Stats Cheaters Player Ranks Clan Ranks Weapon Ranks Award Ranks Map Stats F.A.Q.


In 14 days 960 games have been played on 1 maps totalling 0 rounds.

crossfire 960 games played (100.00%). 0 total rounds (0.00%). unknown avg round time.
Total time 13d10h8m. Last played on 27/07/24 at 10:05:24am.
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Last updated on 27/07/24 10:40am
961 log files (4.29 MB) scanned in 5 seconds
Stats older than 14 days are ignored
© PsychoStats v1.9.1 was written by Stormtrooper and fixed by radev